Hi everybody, it is Dom here and today I would like to talk to you all about dr king and what he stood for, King was born on January 15th 1929 in Atlanta Georgia, he had an older sister, Christine King farris and a younger brother Alfred Daniel King, he went to college in Morehouse college and graduated with a Bachelor of arts and that is when he decided to be a minister, it was not long until He met another student named Coretta Scott his future wife, King was arrested sometimes and he was once stabbed in the chest and his house was bombed, his career was turned around in late 1960 when Democratic presidential Candidate JFK helped him get out of prison to focus completely on being a true civil rights activist, he went on to have a famous I have a dream speech on the march of Washington DC on August 28th 1963 which means we all people work together as a whole, he went on to win the nobel peace prize in 1964 for bringing peace to our country, In April 5th of 1968 king went to memphis tennessee to support of the black sanitation workers by delivering his famous I have been to the mountain top speech, unfortunately he did not live to see those policies come to be because the on the very next day while he was standing on the balcony of his hotel room he was shot and killed by James Earl Ray, king was 39 years old, everyone was shocked and saddened about king’s death but he will always be remembered for his hard work and dedication for non violence and bring peace to the free world, and in 1980 President reagan honored King by declaring every 3rd monday of January MLK Jr day.