
How to Effectively Attract Differently-Abled New Hires- written by Elijah Dawson



How to Effectively Attract Differently-Abled New Hires

Do you wish to diversify your workplace and hire differently-abled individuals? It’s important to know how to go about this venture, as there are some unique factors to consider and
implement in your hiring strategy. Autism Awareness Shop weighs in.

Create a More Inclusive Culture
In order to attract differently-abled applicants to your company, employers should create a
culture where coworkers are comfortable with those who have disabilities.
This means not only hiring those with disabilities but also having a hands-on approach in
learning about their different needs and understanding the barriers they may face.

Offer Career Planning Opportunities
One of the best ways to attract differently-abled new hires is by offering career planning
opportunities. This ensures that they know they are not just on a job hunt but have a long-
term future with your company.
You can do this by pairing them up with mentors or even creating mentorships through which
they can learn from and work with your most senior employees.
The opportunity to learn, grow, and develop at work is something that many workers value
highly. Providing this type of development opportunity will help differentiate you in the market
and show a commitment to your employees’ growth. In turn, it will increase the likelihood of
attracting and retaining talented employees who may have disabilities.
This also provides opportunities for other employees who may be looking for more career
development opportunities.


Create Internship Programs for Those With Disabilities
Creating internship programs for those with disabilities or who identify differently is a great

way to help them get an insider view of a company. It also gives them the opportunity to
showcase their skills and knowledge.
In the interview process, employers should be asking about accommodations and how the
candidate could best be accommodated in the workplace.
When it comes to hiring, make sure your website can work with assistive devices, offer
career planning opportunities, and provide reasonable accommodations in the workplace.

Revamp Your Recruitment Process

A lot of people with disabilities are not given the opportunity to succeed because they’re
often overlooked by employers. By revamping your recruitment process, you can offer an
opportunity for a more diverse group of prospective employees.
This not only helps those with disabilities find work but also creates an incentive for other
organizations to follow suit and create job opportunities for those in the disabled community.
Just by taking these steps towards inclusivity, you will be opening up new doors and
enabling people with disabilities to get the chance they deserve.

Budget for Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace
Lastly, reasonable accommodations are needed for employees with disabilities to fully
participate in an organization’s workforce. These accommodations can include anything from
a ramp leading into an office building to a lowered countertop, depending on the individual’s


Offer Continuing Education Funding

If you are not able to be with your family or children as often as you would like, this is a great
opportunity. There are many online universities that offer degrees and programs in all sorts
of fields, including business administration.
You can use this benefit/incentive to pay for your tuition at one of these schools while still
getting the opportunity to attend on-site classes if necessary. This option also makes it
easier for those who already have advanced degrees but want to upgrade them.

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